Teachers - ALEC

Where Students Love to Learn!


畢業於University of Exeter,主修國際歷史,並擁有英語教育文憑。課堂生動有趣,明白學生學習英語的困難,善於和學生建立良好的關係。

For me, education is the most vital component in today's society. Taught correctly, it can allow people to develop hugely in a variety of different ways and can be a pathway to success in life. Not only can it enable people to compete in a highly competitive job market, but it also ensures that the mind opens up to a large spectrum of views, not to mention the social rewards that can be attained.
In the classroom, it is of course important that students are given a platform to progress and are able to notice improvements that they have made. However, it also remains significant for a lesson to be fun and dynamic as it is clear to me that pupils will learn more if they are having an enjoyable time, without distracting from the structured aims originally laid out in the lesson.